Correlations between the Mega Test and Other Tests

10/01/98 Corrected 2 rows (for Mega Test raw score of 11) in the Omni sample
10/01/98 Added Microsoft Excel file with a listing of Mega Test raw scores vs. SAT V+M for both the Omni and Pre-Omni samples

computed by Fred Britton

Test "r" with Mega N
LAIT (Langdon Adult Intelligence Test) 0.673 76
GRE (Graduate Record Examination) 0.574 106
AGCT (Army General Classification Test) 0.565 28
Cattell 0.562 80
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) 0.495 220
MAT (Miller Analogies Test) 0.393 28
Stanford-Binet 0.374 46
CTMM (California Test of Mental Maturity) 0.307 75
WAIS (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale) 0.137 34


Pre-Omni Sample: Table of Mega Test scores vs. other tests (long)
Omni Sample: Table of Mega Test scores vs. other tests (very long)
Microsoft Excel 3.0 (for Windows) file containing Mega Test raw scores vs. SAT V+M (no longer available)

Mega vs. LAIT distributions (for people who took both tests)
Mega vs. GRE distributions (for people who took both tests)
Mega vs. AGCT distributions (for people who took both tests)
Mega vs. Cattell-Verbal distributions (for people who took both tests)
Mega vs. SAT distributions (for people who took both tests)
Mega vs. Miller Analogies Test distributions (for people who took both tests)
Mega vs. Stanford-Binet distributions (for people who took both tests)
Mega vs. CTMM distributions (for people who took both tests)
Mega vs. WAIS distributions (for people who took both tests)
Mega vs. SAT and GRE distributions (for people who took all three tests)



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