Answers to the Chimera High Ability Riddle Test

1. potato
2. teeth or tooth
3. Einstein
4. Rasputin
5. tree
6. path (the fourth of Buddha's Four Noble Truths was the Eightfold Path)
7. moon
8. hourglass
9. beetle
10. Alexander
11. chimera
12. particle
13. turkey
14. shaman
15. Tolkien
16. mercury
17. cabbage
18. universe
19. valley (not: bridge or trail)
20. Hitler
21. jargon or binary
22. tao
23. rail
24. cancel
25. vouch or avouch
26. blink
27. China
28. toleration (not: cooperation & several other 'ration' words.)
29. chagrin
30. apex
31. target
32. charming
33. Maryland
34. wing, wind, winds or wings
35. Tehran, Najran, or Qumran
36. listen
37. hemlock
38. meager
39. hearth
40. artichoke
41. remedy
42. patent
43. envelope
44. vinegar
45. chill
46. futon
47. hornet
48. chair
49. Chaucer
50. portent
51. bargain
52. fate
53. tier
54. pardon
55. distill or still
56. varnish
57. penology
58. cadaver
59. Roosevelt
60. Cleopatra

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