LAIT NORMING #2, 7/15/79
Copyright © 1979 by Kevin Langdon
Permission to republish granted to Darryl Miyaguchi
Introduction by Kevin Langdon (August 22, 2000):
The second norming of the LAIT was done with what I now regard as very crude statistical methods. Working with data far from the general-population mean, there were many outlying points, both super-high scores and scores from outside the main, self-selected population taking the test. I made some assumptions that enabled me to do a reasonably accurate fit of scores on the LAIT to self-reported scores on various tests previously taken. Later, I realized that the effect of outliers became negligible if I simply equated the means and average deviations (rather than standard deviations) of the two distributions. I have made a number of other refinements to my norming methods as well. A new norming study on the LAIT will be released shortly. |
This report provides an overview of the norming of the Langdon Adult Intelligence Test completed in July 1979, including 553 testees. Only a handful of the earliest responses to the test's appearance in the April 1979 issue of Omni are included. A further norming will be completed after the bulk of the Omni response has been analyzed.
The norming sample included 207 persons tested on Form A and 346 tested on Form B. Form A was an early version of the test, now out of print, differing from Form B only in a few items. Thus, one form cannot be used to obtain an independent measure of intelligence for an individual tested using the other.
Raw scores of all testees were computed using the appropriate formula for form A or Form B. Additionally, a score for items unchanged between the two forms, and scores for each of two matched sets of items containing one half of the items on each part of the test, were computed for each testee.
Correlations between halves of a test (split-test
correlations) are generally lower than those which would be obtained if the
tests were full length because any chance variation is a larger percentage of
the half test. To compensate for this effect, it is usual to apply the
formula where r1 is the uncorrected correlation coefficient
and r2 is the corrected correlation. For Form A of the LAIT
r1 = .822 and r2 = .902 and for Form B r1 =
.815 and r2 = .898.
Scores on other tests reported by testees were entered into the computer with other data from the answer sheets and paired with LAIT scores. A table of LAIT-previous score pairs for LAIT total score and each subscore was constructed for each test which was used in the norming (see Table 1) and arranged in LAIT score order (lowest to highest).
Test | Test Code |
Mean | Standard Deviation |
Stanford-Binet | S | 100 | 15.80 |
Terman Concept Mastery | T | 67 | 29.00 |
Army General Classification Test | A | 100 | 20.00 |
California Test of Mental Maturity | C | 100 | 16.00 |
Miller Analogies | M | 10 | 28.00 |
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale | W | 100 | 15.00 |
Scholastic Aptitude Test (Total) | X | 765 | 255.00 |
Graduate Record Exam (Total) | G | 715 | 255.00 |
Cattell Verbal | V | 100 | 23.65 |
Harding Skyscraper | H | 100 | 16.00 |
W87 | 8 | 100 | 16.00 |
Bloom Analogies Test | B | 0 | 7.75 |
Cattell Culture Fair | F | 100 | 16.00 |
Eysenck | E | 100 | 15.00 |
RAM | R | 23 | 3.00 |
ACT | 7 | 23 | 3.00 |
Table 1 |
Test Code |
Total Number |
Part | Limit Number |
Limit LAIT Score |
Limit Correlation |
Total Correlation |
S | 44 | 0 Verbal | 32 | 594 | .330 | .136 |
1 Spatial | 36 | 568 | .327 | .085 | ||
2 Inductive | 44 | 850 | .225 | .225 | ||
3 Total | 32 | 563 | .429 | .204 | ||
T | 10 | 0 | 7 | 665 | .295 | .169 |
1 | 7 | 505 | .617 | .240 | ||
2 | 8 | 551 | .747 | .177 | ||
3 | 7 | 599 | .522 | .273 | ||
A | 46 | 0 | 27 | 564 | .282 | .167 |
1 | 45 | 787 | .146 | .139 | ||
2 | 44 | 766 | .138 | .107 | ||
3 | 46 | 837 | .136 | .136 | ||
C | 139 | 0 | 87 | 544 | .365 | -.242 |
1 | 75 | 368 | .328 | -.202 | ||
2 | 44 | 263 | .342 | .165 | ||
3 | 71 | 422 | .305 | -.198 | ||
M | 37 | 0 | 37 | 818 | .338 | .338 |
1 | 36 | 703 | .362 | .339 | ||
2 | 10 | 258 | .715 | .272 | ||
3 | 36 | 710 | .441 | .410 | ||
W | 22 | 0 | 22 | 746 | .285 | .285 |
1 | 15 | 370 | .350 | .282 | ||
2 | 22 | 783 | .271 | .271 | ||
3 | 22 | 814 | .285 | .285 | ||
X | 54 | 0 | 54 | 1000 | .141 | .141 |
1 | 54 | 881 | .119 | .119 | ||
2 | 54 | 913 | .140 | .140 | ||
3 | 54 | 865 | .111 | .111 | ||
G | 55 | 0 | 55 | 1000 | .534 | .534 |
1 | 54 | 829 | .484 | .470 | ||
2 | 54 | 775 | .457 | .447 | ||
3 | 55 | 860 | .532 | .532 | ||
V | 160 | 0 | 160 | 974 | .411 | .236 |
1 | 158 | 838 | .412 | .229 | ||
2 | 158 | 850 | .276 | .198 | ||
3 | 159 | 670 | .323 | .245 | ||
H | 18 | 0 | 12 | 597 | .571 | .096 |
1 | 9 | 289 | .285 | -.150 | ||
2 | 7 | 349 | .573 | .019 | ||
3 | 10 | 405 | .275 | -.082 | ||
R | 4 | 0 | 4 | 974 | .561 | .561 |
1 | 4 | 838 | .204 | .204 | ||
2 | 4 | 757 | .586 | .586 | ||
3 | 4 | 846 | .529 | .529 | ||
7 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 949 | .617 | .617 |
1 | 4 | 872 | .607 | .607 | ||
2 | 4 | 913 | .642 | .642 | ||
3 | 4 | 907 | .617 | .617 | ||
Table 2 |
Correlations between the LAIT and previous score distributions for LAIT-previous score pairs from the lowest LAIT score through each LAIT score were calculated and printed out and a cutoff point was determined to maximize r2N, where r is the correlation coefficient and N is the number of score pairs included. Table 2 shows the total number of previous scores reported, the total falling below the cutoff, the overall correlations, and the correlations for the truncated distributions for each test used. Scores on each test were weighted by this correlation figure, representing the relationship between the LAIT and the test concerned without the effects of the generally lower effective ceiling of most other tests, in calculating the overall means, standard deviations, and correlations for LAIT and previous score distributions for all tests included in the norming.
A scatter diagram of LAIT scores against all reported scores on other tests was produced for LAIT total scores and subscores. Outlying points were identified and were not used in calculating distribution means and standard deviations and correlations between LAIT and previous scores. Table 3 summarizes the values obtained.
Number of Score Pairs | 563 | 566 | 564 | 575 |
LAIT Mean | 442.014 | 408.889 | 364.927 | 466.990 |
LAIT Standard Deviation | 238.188 | 233.495 | 221.871 | 222.501 |
Previous Mean (Z-score form) |
2.63167 | 2.62932 | 2.62215 | 2.64632 |
Previous Standard Deviation |
.517525. | .527115 | .511561 | .533550 |
Correlation | 258021 | .479881 | .179265 | .463281 |
Table 3 |
A correction for the very tight distribution of previous scores
reported due to the bulk of the norming population having been preselected by
these scores was applied to the previous score standard deviations by the
formula , where
is the uncorrected standard deviation,
the corrected standard deviation, and r is the correlation between LAIT and
previous score distributions.
Group | Number | Verbal | Spatial | Inductive | Total |
All Testees | 553 | 476.262 | 393.278 | 414.326 | 445.333 |
Men | 455 | 495.323 | 410.222 | 432.530 | 462.455 |
Women | 98 | 387.765 | 314.612 | 329.806 | 365.837 |
Mensa Members | 442 | 487.113 | 397.887 | 418.570 | 453.219 |
Intertel Members | 75 | 462.920 | 361.907 | 375.253 | 418.653 |
ISPE Members | 61 | 519.049 | 417.590 | 434.492 | 475.754 |
MM Members | 11 | 622.000 | 490.364 | 531.182 | 553.091 |
Four Sigma Members | 43 | 840.023 | 782.861 | 757.233 | 802.093 |
Age Under 20 | 24 | 424.348 | 421.261 | 423.217 | 438.087 |
Age 20-24 | 52 | 412.865 | 385.788 | 384.846 | 413.615 |
Age 25-29 | 118 | 514.492 | 433.712 | 457.898 | 485.025 |
Age 30-34 | 102 | 500.794 | 424.461 | 436.441 | 470.657 |
Age 35-39 | 61 | 482.443 | 413.246 | 421.869 | 452.934 |
Age 40-44 | 53 | 464.792 | 361.698 | 397.755 | 424.283 |
Age 45-49 | 51 | 472.588 | 370.490 | 395.608 | 432.333 |
Age 50-54 | 37 | 503.595 | 383.514 | 422.811 | 457.757 |
Age 55-59 | 26 | 491.731 | 331.885 | 394.538 | 425.462 |
Age 60-64 | 19 | 371.526 | 245.947 | 279.947 | 315.368 |
Age 65+ | 10 | 351.400 | 245.300 | 254.300 | 315.800 |
Table 4 |
At this point, the LAIT and previous total score means and standard deviations were equated and I.Q.'s were calculated. Total and part score means and standard deviations for the entire score distributions were equated to yield subscore I.Q.'s. General population percentiles were looked up in an internal table and tested population percentiles were calculated directly.
Verbal | .815947 | .941721 | .946253 |
Spatial | .939251 | .939024 | |
Inductive | .963145 | ||
Table 5 |
Form A | Form B | ||||
Subscore | Min | Max | Min | Max | |
Verbal | 112 | 169 | 114 | 171 | |
Spatial | 118 | 175 | 120 | 178 | |
Inductive | 116 | 176 | 118 | 178 | |
Total | 114 | 174 | 116 | 176 | |
Table 6 |
VERBAL | |||
Tested Group Percentile |
LAIT Scaled Score |
General Population Percentile |
IQ |
10 | 138 | 89 | 120 |
20 | 239 | 94 | 126 |
30 | 341 | 97 | 132 |
40 | 402 | 98 | 136 |
50 | 493 | 99 | 141 |
60 | 559 | 99.7 | 145 |
70 | 628 | 99.8 | 149 |
80 | 706 | 99.96 | 154 |
90 | 777 | 99.98 | 158 |
95 | 848 | 99.99 | 162 |
98 | 899 | 99.997 | 165 |
99 | 949 | 99.999 | 168 |
Tested Group Percentile |
LAIT Scaled Score |
General Population Percentile |
IQ |
10 | 104 | 93 | 124 |
20 | 186 | 96 | 129 |
30 | 232 | 97 | 131 |
40 | 304 | 98 | 136 |
50 | 368 | 99 | 140 |
60 | 445 | 99.7 | 144 |
70 | 539 | 99.9 | 150 |
80 | 616 | 99.96 | 154 |
90 | 703 | 99.98 | 159 |
95 | 764 | 99.996 | 163 |
98 | 838 | 99.998 | 167 |
99 | 872 | 99.999 | 169 |
Tested Group Percentile |
LAIT Scaled Score |
General Population Percentile |
IQ |
10 | 133 | 93 | 124 |
20 | 203 | 95 | 128 |
30 | 298 | 98 | 134 |
40 | 352 | 98 | 137 |
50 | 402 | 99 | 141 |
60 | 476 | 99.7 | 145 |
70 | 541 | 99.8 | 149 |
80 | 616 | 99.96 | 154 |
90 | 705 | 99.98 | 159 |
95 | 757 | 99.996 | 163 |
98 | 827 | 99.998 | 167 |
99 | 870 | 99.9995 | 170 |
TOTAL | |||
Tested Group Percentile |
LAIT Scaled Score |
General Population Percentile |
IQ |
10 | 161 | 92 | 123 |
20 | 253 | 96 | 129 |
30 | 324 | 98 | 133 |
40 | 385 | 98 | 137 |
50 | 441 | 99 | 141 |
60 | 501 | 99.7 | 144 |
70 | 581 | 99.8 | 149 |
80 | 651 | 99.96 | 154 |
90 | 720 | 99.98 | 158 |
95 | 790 | 99.99 | 162 |
98 | 857 | 99.998 | 167 |
99 | 870 | 99.998 | 167 |
Table 7 |
110 - 114 | 22 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
115 - 119 | 25 | 18 | 31 | 25 |
120 - 124 | 48 | 53 | 45 | 36 |
125 - 129 | 56 | 64 | 55 | 56 |
130 - 134 | 46 | 78 | 53 | 58 |
135 - 139 | 69 | 65 | 83 | 79 |
140 - 144 | 65 | 68 | 60 | 72 |
145 - 149 | 61 | 44 | 66 | 58 |
150 - 154 | 63 | 61 | 62 | 62 |
155 - 159 | 56 | 53 | 50 | 54 |
160 - 164 | 25 | 27 | 32 | 30 |
165 - 169 | 16 | 18 | 11 | 15 |
170 - 174 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 2 |
175 - 179 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Table 8 |