Ultra Test Answer Sheet

There is $20 scoring fee, payable to the test designer, "Ronald K. Hoeflin," at P.O. Box 539, New York, NY 10101, U.S.A. Checks or money orders must be made payable in U.S. dollars through any U.S. bank or post office. Please remember that postal delivery services which require a signature cannot be delivered to post office boxes.

Your name and address (please print)


Your scores on previous tests (if any known)
Previous scores will not affect your score on this test:

Mega Test (raw score only): ________
Titan Test (raw score only): ________
Langdon Adult Intelligence Test (IQ only): ________
Any other Langdon test (specify test and IQ): ________
Cattell Verbal (Mensa test) (IQ only): ________
California Test (CTMM) (Mensa test) (IQ only): ________
Stanford-Binet (IQ): ________
Wechsler (specify which test) (IQ only): ________
S.A.T. (verbal + quantitative aptitude): ________ Year taken: ________
G.R.E. (verbal + quantitative aptitude): ________
Miller Analogies (raw score): ________
W87 (Harding-ISPE test) (give percentile): ________
Other test (specify name and percentile): ________

Verbal Problems
(please print)

1. ________________ 19. ________________
2. ________________ 20. ________________
3. ________________ 21. ________________
4. ________________ 22. ________________
5. ________________ 23. ________________
6. ________________ 24. ________________
7. ________________ 25. ________________
8. ________________ 26. ________________
9. ________________ 27. ________________
10. ________________ 28. ________________
11. ________________ 29. ________________
12. ________________ 30. ________________
13. ________________ 31. ________________
14. ________________ 32. ________________
15. ________________ 33. ________________
16. ________________ 34. ________________
17. ________________ 35. ________________
18. ________________ 36. ________________

Nonverbal Problems

37. ________
38. ________
39. ________
40. ________
41. ________
42. ________
43. ________
44. ________
45. (Draw your answer to the right. Note: Any orientation is acceptable for this problem.)  
46. ________
47. ________
48. ________
49. ________

 Biographical Information

Age: ________

Sex: M F (circle one)

Highest educational level attained: ________________

Native Language:

English: ________ Other (specify): ________________

High-IQ society memberships:

Mensa Now Previously
Intertel Now Previously
Top One Percent Society Now Previously
ISPE Now Previously
Triple Nine Society Now Previously
One-in-a-Thousand Society Now Previously
Prometheus Society Now Previously
Four Sigma Society Now Previously
Mega Society Now Previously
Others (specify):________________ Now Previously


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