GRE General (Aptitude) Test

Thanks to Mike Hess for supplying this data

Score             Verbal            Quant

800               ---               99
780               99                98
760               98                97
740               97                95
720               96                93
700               94                90

680               92                87
660               89                84
640               85                80
620               81                76
600               77                72

580               72                67
560               67                62
540               61                56
520               56                51
500               50                46

480               44                41
460               37                35
440               32                30
420               27                25
400               22                21

380               17                17
360               14                13
340               11                10
320                8                 8
300                6                 5

280                4                 3
260                2                 2
240                1                 1

mean             497               512
s.d.             125               134

   These are for totals obviously. They break out M/F in 72-73, but didn't in 
your 81-82 book, so I didn't copy gender differences here. I do note that the 
V mean in 72-73 was significantly higher, while the Q appears somewhat lower 
in '72 vs. '81.

Mike Hess

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