The Final Test
                           Statistical report June 1999
                                 Paul  Cooijmans
                                  De Wolwever 39
                                5737 AD Lieshout

   The Final Test, created 1996, re-      Titan Test                 6     .98
vised 1997, contains 52 verbal analo-     Test For Genius (short)    9     .96
gies, 1 of which unsolved to date.  The   Cattell Culture Fair       4     .93
scores so far obtained (only first at-    Long Test for Genius       6     .9
tempts are included):                     Mega Test                  7     .87
                                          CHART                      5     .82
   # right    frequency                   W-87                       6     -.27
   2          .
   4          .                           Other (aggregate)          39    .62
   4.5        .
   12         .                              The "other" tests (less than 3
   15         .                           scores each) are Nemesis Test, SAT,
   15.5       .                           WAIS, Ultra Test, LAIT, A-22, Cooijmans
   16.5       .                           Intelligence Test, Drenth number se-
   17.5       .                           ries, Raven APM, Hoeflin Power, The
   19.5       .                           Opus, unspecified Mensa tests, Stan-
   20.5       .                           ford-Binet, Grove Acumen Test, Alpha
   21         ..                          Aptitude Scale, CTMM, Quest, Numbers,
   22         .                           Möbius, LSFIT, Nute, GRE, MAT, Associa-
   22.5       .                           tion, A-17, unspecified tests, Wechs-
   25         .                           ler-Bellevue.
   27         .
   33         .                              To ensure objectivity and avoid ar-
   36         .                           bitrary decisions, all reported prior
   45.5       .                           scores are used in norming, however
   47         .                           weighted by the square of their corre-
                                          lation multiplied by 100.  E.g., a cor-
   As a measure of internal consisten-    relation of .8 would give a weight of
cy, the correlation between odd-item      64, meaning the score pairs from that
and even-item scores was computed as      test would each be used 64 times.
                                             Raw and prior scores are arranged in
   Correlation with other tests:          two columns of numerical order, the
                                          highest raw score facing the highest
Test                       #     cor      prior IQ (prior scores are if needed
Test to End All Tests      3     .99      converted to an IQ scale with 16 points
Chimera Test               3     .99      per standard deviation), etc.  For each
                                          raw score, the median of the IQs facing
                                          it is used to norm that score.  The norm
                                          for 1 right is extrapolated, missing
                                          scores are interpolated, and scores 48
                                          to 52 are extrapolated.

# right   IQ     %ile
1         116    84                       31        157   99.983
2         124    93                       32        159   99.989
3         127    95.4                     33        160   99.992
4         130    96.9                     34        161   99.993
5-9       132    97.7                     35        163   99.996
10-12     133    98                       36-38     165   99.998
13        134    98.3                     39-41     166   99.9983
14        135    98.5                     42-44     167   99.9987
15        136    98.7                     45        168   99.999
16        138    99.1                     46        170   99.9995
17        139    99.2                     47        176   99.9999
18-19     140    99.3                     48        180   99.9997
20        141    99.4                     49        185   99.999995
21        143    99.6                     50        191   99.9999992
22        147    99.83                    51        198   99.99999994
23        148    99.87                    52        207   99.999999999
24        149    99.89
25        150    99.91                       The Final Test can be obtained from
26        151    99.93                    the address on top for 1 dollar, or
27        152    99.94                    found on
28        153    99.95             
29        155    99.97                       ~miyaguch/hard_iq.html
30        156    99.98
                                             TFT is accepted for admission to the
                                          Glia Society (150), The Giga Society
                                          (196) and the Grail Society (207), and
                                          any other society may also choose to
                                          accept it.

                                                           * * *

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