THE CORE(Chimera Oblique Riddle Exam)By William F. Bultas This 30 item test consists entirely of riddles. The test was originally to be used as a measure of verbal ability, and then it developed into a contest. Unfortunately, it proved to be so difficult that few people tried it, so the Answers & Ranking Scale are now available online. During the period of just over a year that the test was scored, only three individuals, Judy Adamski, Edward Measure, & Zachary Crosby were able to achieve perfect scores on the test. Should you choose to try these riddles, there is no time limit, and reference materials (books, computers, internet, etc.) may be used, but soliciting or receiving help from other people is against the rules, if you wish to play by them. Good luck, & have fun! 1. Remove my last three letters & you have a group of ships. I am impermanent. __________ 2. I am a type of family member. Remove one of my letters & you have something annoying. __________ 3. Remove my first two letters & you have a subject taught in many schools. A metallic character in a children's story both lacked & sought me. __________ 4. I mean the opposite of 'good,' but if you change my first letter, you have a religious leader. __________ 5. My last half is a color, & my first half often contains fluid. __________ 6. I am a crowning achievement for someone entering a position of high authority. My last six letters mean the same as 'country.' __________ 7. My last half means 'impolite,' & I mean to 'stick out.' ___________ 8. I am the title of a movie. Remove my first two letters & you have the plural form of a parasitic insect. __________ 9. I am a wanton leader from long ago. Remove my first letter & read me backward & you will find something that is mined. __________ 10. My first half read backward means 'dull,' & I am a period of each day. __________ 11. I am a student of a certain scientific discipline. My last four letters are a cloud of water droplets. __________ 12. Remove my first two letters & you have the name of a certain body of water. I am a mythical creature found in folklore. __________ 13. My last three letters are a vehicle. Remove my first two letters & change my next to last letter & you have a type of bird. __________ 14. Remove my first three letters & read me backward & you have an animal. I am the text of a musical composition. ___________ 15. My last four letters denote a conservative. I am an 'established record.' __________ 16. I was a famous poet. Remove one of my letters & you have something often held by candlelight. __________ 17. Remove my first three letters & you have a flower. I am an extremely unfortunate occurrence. __________ 18. Remove my first & last letter & you have a synonym for 'mouth.' Remove my second letter & you have a type of mallet. __________ 19. I am a musical instrument. Change my fourth letter, then read me backward, & you have a member of a race of people. __________ 20. I am a type of pipe. My last five letters, when made plural, have been used to punish. __________ 21. I am a musical instrument. I rhyme with a word meaning the same as 'shrivel.' __________ 22. I am a mythical character. Remove my first three letters, then read me backward, & you have something that was discussed by a man whose name denotes a type of leader for singers. __________ 23. I am the immature form of certain creatures. Remove my middle letter & you have something very hot. __________ 24. My last four letters denote a crazy person. I can be used for decoration, or, in some cases, transportation. __________ 25. Some singers can be described by my last four letters. I am a piece of glass or enamel. __________ 26. Remove my first three letters & you have an island. My first half is a circular object. __________ 27. I am often found in salads. You can perform my last four letters from a certain type of board. __________ 28. My last half backward is sometimes found on floors. Change my fifth letter, then remove my first letter, & you have an emotion. __________ 29. My last half means 'deceased,' & I am an action that shows affection. __________ 30. My last four letters backward denote something made of metal. I am a word related to the wind. __________ |